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Co-created by Daniel Naddafy and Marty Langthorne for the Barbican

Informed by research from The Sussex baby Lab this 15-minute experience mirrors early childhood development that has identified how colour gradually enters a baby's world. 


Housed in a purpose built frame, the installation is designed to be enjoyed by one baby and their grown up at a time. Real-life soundscapes harmonies and echo a newborn's hearing as hand dipped lights bulbs, neon and florescent lights flicker and pulse.


The installation is available for touring, for more details please contact


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First Light begins with distant white light then progresses into red, the first colour a baby sees in the early weeks. At around 2 or 3 months, the baby can see the difference between red and green. Then yellow emerges followed by blue. 


Sound, too, takes centre stage in First Light. Just as babies experience the world from the confines of the womb, where sounds are akin to underwater acoustics, the installation commences with muffled, submerged audio. This transitions into interior domestic sounds before blossoming into a diverse tapestry of soundscapes reflecting the vastness of the outside world.


During the installation audiences experience the stages of a baby's early sensory development. Some might identify certain pivotal milestones along the way, there could also be elements that surprise. The key is for everyone to savour the artistic journey, connect with their little one, and relish in this unique moment of togetherness. 



First Light opened at the Barbican in December 2021. The installation was presented and co-commissioned by the Barbican and developed with support from Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts and, Half Moon Theatre. â€‹Photos By Holly Revell & Rosie Powell.




"My 6 month old daughter was entranced and captivated. I felt transported into her world and the impressions of the everyday world took on a new and rather moving dimension.”


"Such a joyous, beautiful experience for my 5 month old and myself.”


“It was a really special experience to share with baby.”

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